Characters (2011)
Characters (2011)
Characters (2011)
Characters (2011)
Characters (2011)
Characters (2011)
Characters (2011)
Characters (2011)
Characters (2011)
Characters book research
- Author: Stephen Banham
- Researcher: Christine Eid
- Publisher: Thames & Hudson
- Co-publisher: State Library Victoria
Christine Eid was commissioned as a researcher on the Characters book project (2011).
Written by Stephen Banham, Characters tells the rich cultural stories of a city, in this case Melbourne, through its signage.
Working alongside Banham, Eid identified key sites for the book by exploring the rich collections at the State Library Victoria, National Trust of Australia (Victoria), City of Melbourne, Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Italian Historical Society and a number of local historical societies.
The three year project involved Eid undertaking extensive and meticulous research.
A diverse range of material including newspaper articles, publications, photographs, illustrations, maps, posters, architectural drawings and artwork were sourced, providing greater context to the signage sites.